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by John Henry Evans
Evans, like his contemporaries the Holtzapffels, was a manufacturer of high quality lathes; but he was also an accomplished turner and, for 33 years, the author of many articles for English Mechanic, a leading journal of the time. This broad combination of engineering and practical experience, along with literary skills, makes Ornamental Turning one of the most useful books in the field. Clearly written and richly illustrated with over 190 detailed line drawings and 19 plates, it provides a complete coverage of the subject. Included is information available nowhere else: a chapter on Dawson's geometric slide rest, details on the design of many types of apparatus, and a brief chapter on electrotyping. This is a complete reprint of the original 1886 edition. 344 pages. 192 line drawings, 19 half tones. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", Soft cover. ............... sale ... $16.00